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Ask Dr. Neimeyer
"When my son died, I thought I'd never know a moment of peace. Through AfterTalk I found tremendous comfort by writing to him and sharing with others."

~ Sarah
AfterTalk Testimonial
"We had spoken every day for 30 years. Now silence. I was in so much pain. I started writing to her in AfterTalk's Private Conversations ... somehow; it feels like she really hears me."

~ Allen
AfterTalk Testimonial
Hospice Memory Archiving
Robert Neimeyer After Talk Live - Continuing Bonds Grief Therapy
"I always thought my mother would be at my wedding. I shared this and hearing other people's words of comfort feels like my mother is with me."

~ Diane
AfterTalk Testimonial
"He went in for an elective procedure. He wasn't supposed to die. We were all in shock. None of us said good bye. Sharing our stories in AfterTalk's Family and Friends makes us feel like he's with us again."

~ Laura
AfterTalk Testimonial
"Many people hold in their personal grief. There aren't many "acceptable" outlets to express anger and undefined feelings after someone dies. Writing in AfterTalk's Private Conversations lets me do this without anyone's approval or judgment."

~ Mariah P. Fisher, Ph.D.
AfterTalk Testimonial
"My father and I never got along. After he died, I wrote to tell him that he hurt me. It helped me forgive him and move on. Just shared a picture of his grandson ... who looks exactly like him."

~ Maxwell
AfterTalk Testimonial
"It was the anniversary of my husband's death. So much happened over the last year, it just poured out of me. It was a huge relief being able to tell him. It felt like he was right there with me."

~ Wanda
AfterTalk Testimonial

Write. Share.
  Always There.

Online Grief Support - Because when a loved one leaves us, the grief can be overwhelming.

Sometimes, the sudden "aloneness" is too much to bear. The conversations throughout the day with a spouse, the phone calls or emails with a friend or child—never again. The silence is almost unendurable. You yearn to continue the conversation. If you are coping with grief, you've come to the right place. Our online grief support site offers grief blogs, inspirational quotes, and interactive writing tools to help you manage your grief.

Welcome to AfterTalk

We created AfterTalk as a place for Comfort and Sharing for those who have experienced loss or are supporting a Loved One in Hospice Care.

Our Private Conversations space is a sanctuary where you can write to your loved one and save your writing, photos or videos for as long as you wish. Our Hospice Memory Archiving is your private space to document, share and preserve what you want your loved ones to know today and for the future. Our AfterTalk Blog is home to a plethora of articles and inspirational quotes and a safe place to share your feedback as well.

Our Ask Dr. Neimeyer column is where renowned Grief Expert Dr. Robert Neimeyer answers reader's questions about grieving as well as anticipatory grief. And in our Resource Center you'll find books, DVDs and grief counseling resources for guidance and healing along with information-related financial, insurance and estate planning.

We are non-denominational and free to all.

We are always there for you.

Lisa Bogatin    Larry Lynn

Conversation Starters

“My fondest memory of you is…”

“I wish you were here so we could…”

“I want to share with you that…”

“I never told you that I …”


Conversation Samples

The following AfterTalk examples represent likely entries written to departed loved ones. They have been shared to perhaps guide, perhaps inspire others to write to their loved one.

AfterTalk Blog

Our grief blog offers compelling posts on grief topics including Children and Grief, Grief and Writing, Grief Counseling, Grieving for a Friend, and many more Categories.
